Friday, September 29, 2006

Week One Complete

I figured out why I work where I work today. Every morning we have devotions at 8:30. We are reading the Chuck Swindoll book about something or other and I really don't pay that much attention. However, this morning there were only three of us there and the other two are two that I really like and the development director led the devotion...we never got to the Swindoll devotion because the two of them kept telling me how much of an "answer to prayer" I was.

Keep in mind, I have NEVER been anyone's answer to prayer so this is an incredible position to be in and I am honored. I am touched that the Lord would have led me to make this seemingly crazy decision but then to be told that I was an answer to prayer...I love them and I love that!! I cried of course.

We then went on a field trip to all of the Rainier Campuses. There are five total. We got to eat lunch in the cafeteria at Kent View. The final campus we were at was the middle school and we got there in time for chapel. Now I was a bit concerned because it was middle schoolers and chapel - but I must tell you that those kids were amazing. They led worship (on the worship team) and a little 7th grader got up and sang a solo!! I was so touched by her love of Jesus and confidence in herself to do that in front of all of her peers.

I am convinced that I was directed to this place for a reason - and the Lord continues to show me this daily. I am a natural skeptic but today's solo by a little 7th grader told me that this place is doing a great work and I get to be a part. Thank you Lord!!


TheologyMom said...

Don't say that you have NEVER been an answer to someone's have been an answer to mine often. Sorry I haven't told you that enough!

Red Letter girl said...

Thanks for making me cry!

You have been an answer to my prayers and directed in my life to save me more than once...who knows where I would be without you and Scot F??

Anonymous said...

Scot F. says....ditto and thanks

Anonymous said...

A poem by Emily Dickenson says "the steps of faith fall on the seeming void and find the rock beneath". I think this job may be God's special gift for you. A balm for the frustration and ugliness of your last job. A place of acceptance and love and spiritual support. You have great courage to take this "step", and I'm proud of you. You have been more than an answer to my prayers, you are a fulfillment of God's promises every day of your life, and I love you.

Anonymous said...

you have a beautiful mommy - what amazing comments she has for you.

TheologyMom said...

Leave it to Mimi to quote Dickenson...what a class act! :)

About Me

I work at a Christian School district only 4 miles from my home. The people there are full of grace and love and I am glad to be a part of this ministry. I have a neice and nephew whom I love dearly. They are 12 and almost 15 respectively. I have two amazing sisters and two amazing brothers-in-law. Of course, I would not be here if it were not for my mother agreeing to marry my dad. Good going mom! My parents are my life and I would literally be NOTHING without their unconditional love, support and care. You rock mom and dad. Then there's Will & Lora...their giggles are like sunshine and their parents crack me up too.

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