Today is a hard Sunday for me. It's our Harvest Sunday at church in which we invite our community's homeless and needy for a hearty Thanksgiving meal, cooked and served by all the congregations at SFC. It's hard because it's long, smelly, somewhat mental, loud, and demanding. However, it is the Gospel.
Some of the toughest words from Jesus to us comes from Luke's Gospel. It is Jesus talking to thousands in one of his sermon series. He asks "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not do what I say?" (Luke 6:46 NASB). OUCH! I do not ever want to call him my Savior and then turn my back on what he commands me to do (feed the poor, clothe the naked, among other things.)
Today - ONE day out of my year, I will do what he asks. I will put a behavior behind my professed love. I will probably complain, I will probably not be as cheerful as necessary but Jesus doesn't ask for that. He frankly could care less if it's easy or peaceful or if we're happy about it. There is no extra verse that says "do what I say only if it is convenient and you feel good about it." That is a very American view point and I would also suggest anti-Gospel.
So now I'm going to get ready and pick up my nephew, niece and her friend and go and put a behavior behind my love. I will also remember the One who made this possible and in whom I have my salvation and be thankful that I am not on the other side of the serving table. I will also be thankful that I attend a church that allows me to put the behavior of loving into action.
Do you love Jesus? The ONLY way to know is to do, do, do (BEHAVIOR) what he says. Period. Otherwise Matthew 7:21-22 (NASB) may be your fate.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
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About Me
- Red Letter girl
- I work at a Christian School district only 4 miles from my home. The people there are full of grace and love and I am glad to be a part of this ministry. I have a neice and nephew whom I love dearly. They are 12 and almost 15 respectively. I have two amazing sisters and two amazing brothers-in-law. Of course, I would not be here if it were not for my mother agreeing to marry my dad. Good going mom! My parents are my life and I would literally be NOTHING without their unconditional love, support and care. You rock mom and dad. Then there's Will & Lora...their giggles are like sunshine and their parents crack me up too.
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You served and you were even cheerful about it...I was extremely proud. :)
Also, thanks for allowing my kids to live out Christ's love along side you and being so patient with them. They loved it and they love you!
Boomers to the front of the line...
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