What a day.
Our internet at work as been out for several days. Since ALL systems I use are internet reliant...I was screwed. I left at 2:30 and headed for the new & improved L.A. Fitness. It is an amazing club. All new machines, weights, racquetball, etc etc. It's kind of like I don't belong there anymore. The best part is the fans they have to cool you as you're walking, riding, or ellipticalling. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Now if they would just provide a smoothie boy to bring me a smoothie every now and then.
My time of crisis is just about over and I thank you for bearing the burden with me. It's sucked...trust me. But, thanks to the kindness of friends that is unbelievable and my new found ability to yank money from an old IRA...I will be flush by the end of the year!! I just got the call about the IRA today and it was a Christmas miracle to be sure. I can pay my mortgage and maybe even my car payment!! THANK YOU JESUS (and friends...for acting like Jesus!)
Thanks to all who prayed and continue to pray for me. What a roller coaster.
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