Being the daughter of a teacher was a wonderful treat. Growing up, books were very much part of my life. My mom made sure we always had books - and always good ones - and we usually got one or two for each holiday and birthday. Remembering these books is good for me and remembering the love of reading that my mom instilled in me is also something I want to instill in others. I also remember realizing that my mom also had favorite books when she was little and she shared those books with me and my sisters.
I've listed a few of my favorite books here - in hopes that maybe you'll pick one up and read it or you'll remember some favorite books of your childhood and maybe comment on them here.
Swimmy - this is such a fun little book about a little fish that swims against the crowd. It was how my folks taught me that it's ok to be different and that everyone is worth something.
Make Way for Ducklings - I loved this story of a little family of ducklings and the peril of living in the Public Garden. Can you name the ducklings? I'll get you started...Jack, Pack...
Harriet the Spy - Harriet was spunky and fun and a true "tom-boy". I was called a boy more often than I liked when I had a bowl haircut...so I identified well with Harriet. I also would love to be a spy.
Where the Red Fern Grows - A heart wrenching story about a boy and his hound dogs. I am not sure why I don't like dogs as this was one of my favorite books. Thanks to Mr. Larsen for introducing this book to me during 5th grade outdoor camp!
How the Grinch Stole Christmas - the kid sister got her nickname from this book - because she looked exactly like Cindy Lou Who. This book proves that even a Grinch can have a change of heart - makes me hopeful!
Der Struwwelpeter - (pictured above) My 100 year old Granny is German and her mom came over and was a nurse in Chicago before moving to Seattle...therefore, this was introduced to me by my granny. Now, the German's don't mess around and these are 10 stories of children (also illustrated) who misbehave in some way and then get nailed - some very grotesquely. The moral is pretty clear and I was duly afraid to misbehave! My favorite one was about the little boy who WOULD NOT stop sucking his thumb...so this scary guy came in and cut off both his thumbs (with pictures!!). I was a finger sucker...so this moral was not lost on me! You really should read these - they are profound for a book from 1845!
These are just a few of my favorite books - I know you had favorites as a kid...list them here and tell us why!
The first book I learned to read was Dr. Seuss' "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish"...I still love reading his books to my kids, something about the rhythm...
I loved Beverly Cleary - all of her Ramona books...Anne of Green Gables, of course...Judy Blume - even "Forever" which I reserved at the library when I was about 13 but the librarian called my mom and told her it probably wasn't appropriate for a girl my age...as I got older, Chaim Potok...in high school, my favorite book was "Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier - a terrific mystery...
I was a voracious reader...some of my favorites in Elementary school were Grimms Fairytales anthologies, the Oz series (many people don't know there were a ton of Oz books...my grandmother would always give me a couple at Christmas time and I still have them) and the Narnia books. I also loved Encyclopedia Brown and Mrs. Piggle-wiggle books. There was a book I got through a school book order called "Searching for Shona" which for some reason I always think of...I'm going to need to find it someday. Of course, Anne (of Green Gables) was a biggie too and the Louisa May Alcott books (NOT just Little Women).
My favorite author of all (and still is) was Madeleine L'engle of "Wrinkle In Time" fame.
What a great topic!
Eeek. That picture is sorta scary. Reminds me of a twisted version of Edward Scissorhands.
I remember I loved Winnie-the-Pooh books. My Mom used to read them to me from this book set we had. I remember being very confused about Christopher Robin. To me, he looked like a girl in the pictures. And a middle name like Robin? Yeah, it was perplexing.
Later, I liked Amelia Bedelia books. I thought she was so funny!
I love books. I loved Mr. Popper's Penguins when very small. I remember checking it out at the school library many times. In my mind I can even remember what section it was in.
I loved to go to my friend Jeff's house for many reasons. One of which was his mom's book collection of children's literature. I would always borrow a book. I loved the very old stuff like the Bobbsey Twins - most are too young to remember Freddie and Flossie and Nan and Bert. They were from 1904 and I loved reading them.
My very favorite book series was "The three investigators" which was an A. Hitchcock series. Not very well known like Hardy Boys - but way better. A few years ago my church family gave me an almost complete set. I have re-read a few and can't wait for my kids to be old enough to read them.
Love, Love books.
That picture sent chills down my spine, oh how I hate that book. Why don't you talk about the China Doll next so that I won't be able to sleep for weeks.
I learned to read when I was four, and I haven't stopped yet. I remember reading Little Mommy so many times, that I can still say it by heart. And don't forget the Little House series. I can remember going to the old Ballard Library and getting books when I was three. Later my friend Karen and I would walk every week to the Greenwood library and check out 5 books. (that was the limit for kids then) I loved the Black Stallion series, mysteries, Mrs. Pigglewiggle (now I look like Mrs. Pigglewiggle) fairy tales, all the Bevery Cleary books, and the classics. I still read constantly and I'm not happy if I don't have a book waiting to read when I'm through with the one I'm reading now. Hurray for books!!
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