Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rich Friends

If you ever get a chance, even for a moment, try to be friends with someone who is super rich. This is someone that never has to worry about money, only worry about where to put it all.

One of my old friends is super rich and just quit his high level job at a major software company in Redmond to go to another company that sells books on line in Seattle. I couldn't believe that this actually made the news this morning but I guess it's a big deal.

He is actually one of the funniest people I know. He was also very generous. I've never eaten better than when I was friends with the Valentines. I miss them being together and us going to Disneyworld or Salt Lake City or even to Daniel's Broiler.

I hope he does well - he's obviously not a golfer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to leave a comment because I felt bad that Brian got no comments. He is a great guy and I wish him the best at his new endeavor, not that he needs a job!

About Me

I work at a Christian School district only 4 miles from my home. The people there are full of grace and love and I am glad to be a part of this ministry. I have a neice and nephew whom I love dearly. They are 12 and almost 15 respectively. I have two amazing sisters and two amazing brothers-in-law. Of course, I would not be here if it were not for my mother agreeing to marry my dad. Good going mom! My parents are my life and I would literally be NOTHING without their unconditional love, support and care. You rock mom and dad. Then there's Will & Lora...their giggles are like sunshine and their parents crack me up too.

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