I was talking to a co-worker the other day about her son and the choices in music he was making for his I-pod. She was telling me that she needed to review some of his choices to ensure he was not listening to Snoop Dog or something (I guess) and in my wittiness I popped off and said "You know, Jesus said it's not what goes into a man that makes him unclean."
This is a very funny and quite appropriate remark, in keeping with the situation. However, she just kind of looked at me funny and said something like "I didn't know he said that."
This comment has rested with me for about a week. You didn't know that Jesus said that. It started me thinking of this crappy, so-called Christian life that we (not you, gentle blog reader...think of someone you may know) live. This life knows NOTHING of Jesus - the Savior of our souls and of the universe. The very one who ushered in the Kingdom of God on earth and we have the audacity to NOT KNOW what he says?
Friends, please, read the Gospels. Start with Matthew. Skip the birth genealogy and stuff and get straight to the Sermon on the Mount. Please..just three chapters 5, 6, & 7. That's it! Start there. Please know something that Jesus said by the time you read my blog again. He's at least worth that. Start with Matthew 7:21. That'll wake you up.
Surprisingly, I do not think you will find someone congenial to lack of knowledge in him, the poor or the disenfranchised. I don't care either if you know the Old Testement, know the Pauline letters or even Jude & Revelation. How can we not know the words of Jesus?
C'mon...drop and give me 20!
Monday, January 14, 2008
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About Me
- Red Letter girl
- I work at a Christian School district only 4 miles from my home. The people there are full of grace and love and I am glad to be a part of this ministry. I have a neice and nephew whom I love dearly. They are 12 and almost 15 respectively. I have two amazing sisters and two amazing brothers-in-law. Of course, I would not be here if it were not for my mother agreeing to marry my dad. Good going mom! My parents are my life and I would literally be NOTHING without their unconditional love, support and care. You rock mom and dad. Then there's Will & Lora...their giggles are like sunshine and their parents crack me up too.
Twitter...see what I'm doing!
Red Letter Readings
Stuff I read...somewhat regularly

Word up.
This is sort of "on topic" and sort of not...I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said..."Love your Enemies, that strongly implies not bombing them"...Jesus said that too, at least the "Love your enemies" part.
Maybe we should try living the words we preach.
Dude, I'm rolling, sipping on Gin and Juice!
I'm unclear about what your comment has to do with READING the words of Jesus...
Feel free to clarify.
I think the "anonymous" option should be taken off of comment sections on blogs...
Then it becomes like unsigned "Friendship and Worship" cards in churches which are not very often used in friendly or worshipful ways...Although my husband likes to use that option to play jokes on people...
I suggest you do the same thing with anonymous comments on blogs that my dad used to do with unsigned F&W cards - throw them in the trash...if someone is not willing to put a name to their comment, I'm not willing to listen to it...just my two cents...
I have repented of my anonymous funny gestures - of which this was not one (both becaue it was not me and not that funny)
- and pledge to never be anonymous again - wouldn't life suck if your name really was anonymous? So no-one in the blog world ever needs to worry that I am behind any anonymous comments from here to eternity. Frankly, I am beginning to think blogs are evil...and perhaps should be held tighter than the entire globe? It is like an open diary - and not everyone is able to read a thought or comment and place it with a person and a collective work of life, attitude and writings. It is like taking one verse in the bible and holding it outside the context of the entire 66 books. (ok folks do that as well)
Perhaps every time we all felt like blogging - we wrote a note of encouragement to someone we actually know or wish we knew better - maybe the world would be a better place.
However, I continue to read and continue to comment - but choose to not have a "public" blog - things in writing - can be dangerous -
Everyone have a great day - and write a note - one with a stamp attached - or a phone call or drop by for dinner or coffee or dessert together -
Bring back face to face contact. And yes maybe "we" should try living the words we preach" and Lord let it begin with...ok - me that is ok...but hard..
I think hiding behind "anonymous" to make controversial comments is really passive-agressive, not to mention childish. People who write comments as "annonymous" cannot expect to have real and honest conversations with others if they are not willing to own up to their own words and opinions.
By the way Mark, don't you mean 73 books?? Just a little Catholic humor :) I totally agree with your comment though.
Perhaps anonymous was just trying to share their two cents as best they could in support of what RLG had to say. Perhaps their comment was not intended to be mean or controversial. Sorry, just had to point out the other side of the coin. Also, I don't really get Holly's comment either other then the Snoop Dogg reference.
Then why be anonymous?
And...Holly was prolly really sipping on Gin & Juice while reading my blog and laughing...nothing wrong with that!
I have nothing to add to this topic. I'm just excited to be mentioned on your twitter! Heh.
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